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These pages are about fast data science, or using languages and techniques outside of the the conventional R/Python stack to improve the performance of computer models that do machine learning, optimization, simulation, inference, or other complex tasks.

This journey started with a number of models that I translated from Python into Julia and Go, and achieve huge speed-ups that not only reduced the time to find answers, but also opened up new possibilities for using these models, such as putting them behind web-based interactive front-ends, allowing people to use the models in new and better ways that would not have been possible with standard approaches.

More recently, I have been applying Rust and Zig to data science and AI problems, and am also exploring the use of GPUs for computationally-intensive models.

I am Andreas Kaempf, Expert Associate Partner of Data Science at Bain & Company in Munich. My current role is leading our EMEA team dedicated to generative AI strategy and application development.

This is a personal web site, and the views expressed here are my own.